Final Exam 1st Trimester 2015-2016

Answer in LEGIBLE HANDWRITING (non-cursive if possible), illegible handwriting will be not scored

1.       (25 points) What is prior art? How does prior art help invalidate a patent claim? How do use prior art discovery in

2.       (25 points) Pick any two of the Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Errors – explain the software error in your own words and how it can be solved

3.       (25 points) What are moral rights? How does moral rights affect users who want to use Creative Commons outside of the Philippines. Why does the Creative Commons licenses in other countries like the United States not have a moral rights clause?

4.       (25 points) Is it ethical to install an ad-blocker? Is it ethical for you as an information systems practitioner? Is it ethical for an you as an information systems practitioner to create software that detects ad-blockers and blocks user who have them?

5.       BONUS 25 points Enumerate the 25 Most Dangerous Software Errors.