Jaipur Foot Case Study Guide Questions
1. What is the innovation of Jaipur Foot?
2. What is the business of Jaipur Foot?
3. Who are the main beneficiaries of Jaipur Foot's products?
4. Why is Afghanistan one of the markets of Jaipur Foot?
5. How does Jaipur Foot's product pricing compare with the West?
6. What is the Gait Cycle?
7. How was the first Jaipur Foot artificial limb developed?
8. What are the design considerations in the Jaipur Foot Design Process?
9. What are the constraints in the development for Jaipur Foot?
10. How can you compare the raw materials for Jaipur Foot vs. other products?
11. Explain a typical fitting day for a Jaipur Foot? How does it compare with the West?
12. What is the BMVSS? How does Jaipur Foot conduct community outreach?
13. Compare Jaipur Foot with Ossur - which one is more competitive? Why?
14. Is the Jaipur Foot model scalable? Explain.
15. What is the significance of Jaipur Foot's cooperation with ISRO?
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