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Racial and Ethnic Relations by Feagin and Feagin Chapters 1 and 2 Quiz

Page history last edited by Paul Pajo 16 years, 6 months ago
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1. _________________________ is an ideology that considers a group's unchangeable physical characteristics to be linked in a direct, causal way to psychological or intellectual characteristics and that, on this basis, distinguishes between superior and inferior racial groups.
2. _________________________ a social group that persons inside or outside the group have decided is important to single out as inferior or superior, typically on the basis of real or alleged physical characteristics subjectively selected.
3. _________________________ a group socially distinguished or set apart, by others by itself, primarily on the basis of cultural or national-origin characteristics
4. _________________________ is another term for majority group
5. _________________________ is another term for minority group
6. __________________________ is the understanding and symbols created and controlled by a powerful group.
7. ___________________________ is the understanding and symbols of an immigrant group entering the sphere of a dominant culture.
8. ___________________________ is the view of things in which one's group is the centre of everything, and all other are scaled and rated with reference to it.
9. ___________________________ is a Latin word that means judgment made prior to knowledge or experience
10. ___________________________ an antipathy based on a faulty generalization. It may be felt or expressed. It may be directed toward a group as a whole or toward an individual because he or she is a member of that group.
11. ___________________________ an overgeneralization associated with a racial or ethnic category that goes beyond existing evidence.
12. ___________________________ are actions carried out by members of dominant groups, or their representatives, that have a differential and harmful impact on members of subordinate groups.
13. ___________________________ is harmful action taken intentionally by a member of dominant racial or ethnic group against members of a subordinate group, without the support of other members of the dominant group in the immediate social or community context.
14. ___________________________ is harmful action taken intentionally by a small number of dominant-group individuals acting in concert against members of subordinate racial and ethnic groups, without the support of the norms and of most other dominant group members in the immediate social or community context.
15. ____________________________ is organizationally prescribed or community-prescribed action that by intention has a differential or negative impact on members of subordinate racial and ethnic groups.
16. ____________________________ consists of dominant-group practices having a harmful impact on members of subordinate racial and ethnic groups even though the organizationally or community-prescribed norms or regulations guiding those actions have been established with no intent to harm.
17. ____________________________ unequal and harmful treatment of members of subordinate racial and ethnic groups that is obvious to the victim but not as overt as traditional, "door-slamming" varieties of discrimination.
18. ____________________________ harmful treatment of members of subordinate racial and ethnic groups that is hidden and difficult to document and prove.
19. ____________________________ is a pattern of discrimination cutting across political, economic, and social organizations in a society.
20. ____________________________ is the cumulative impact of discrimination on its victims.
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21. ____________________________
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24. ____________________________
At the initial stage, outcomes include:
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27. ____________________________
Beyond the initial period of contact between two groups, the range of possible outcomes of intergroup contact includes:
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39. ________________________
According to Barrera, basic to current internal colonialism are four classes that have developed in U.S. capitalism:
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43. ________________________
According to Joe Feagin's Theory of Racial Oppression, the six major themes in the development of racial oppression are:
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49. ________________________
50. Why is racism bad? Pick an ethical theory to justify your answer.

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