
ITETHIC Final Exam 1T-SY2013-2014

Page history last edited by Paul Pajo 11 years, 5 months ago


you can download the Finals here


Instructions: Answer the questions below with at least 250 words. Each number is worth 25 points.


1. New Zealand recently banned software patents. The Philippines' Intellectual Property Law banned software patents while the U.S. allows it. Are software patents bad? Explain in terms of utilitarianism and the categorical imperative.


2.  What is the use of the Ask Patents (http://patents.stackexchange.com)? Explain how one can invalidate an existing patent using the site. 


3. What is Creative Commons. Explain the non-commercial, by-attribution, share-alike license version 3.0 used for the Philippines. How does this license affect your copyright?

4. Are you for or against the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 (R.A. 10175)? Explain your position - why are you for or against it, point by point.


5. BONUS : In terms of causality ("rains cause wet roads" vs. "wet roads causes rains") - explain how this affects arguments for and against the RH Bill.


6. BONUS: Is Edward Snowden a terrorist or a hero? 


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