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Reflection Paper 15

Page history last edited by Khyle 9 years, 1 month ago

“Good Reasons for hiring a Hacker” 

By: Owen King



“For Hire!”


First Impression:

                  It shows the good and bad side of hiring a hacker.



                  “Sometimes the goal of a hacker or the hacker’s client is the disruption of the technology itself. We can say that this hacking is technologically motivated.” 



                  A good hacker really loves the challenge and spends many, many hours perfecting his craft. Hackers tend to be friends with other hackers. They learn from each other andsharing information on how a work can be done perfectly without being caught. But when you say hackers it doesn’t mean they are bad, they were classified as well. Depending on what job they are going to take, hackers will still be hackers. Most of us find it common practice to go with white hat hackers. They use their skills for the purpose of improving security. Operating with your permission, they test your system as if they were a malicious hacker. Black hat hackers, on the other hand, violate security for malicious purposes and generally for personal gain. Even if the hacker you're considering hiring as an employee or contractor is completely reformed, having a criminal onboard may not set well with your clients. If your company has or hopes to bid on government contracts that require a security clearance, having a known hacker associated with the company could count against you. It all comes down to a question of trust. It's a position that carries a great deal of responsibility.  Don’t give hackers access to any more than he needs to do the job for which you’ve hired him. Bottom line is that someone who would illegally access someone else's network may not have a strong sense of right and wrong and/or might have a problem with authority.


5 Things I’ve learned:

  4. We should take extra precautions when hiring hackers


5 Integrated Questions:

  1. Why do we need to hack databases?
  2. What are the reasons why people hire a hacker?
  3. How can we prevent them to access information that they are not supposed to hack?
  4. How can we avoid being hacked?
  5. Why would we trust hackers?


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