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Reflection Paper 17

Page history last edited by Khyle 9 years, 1 month ago

“Comments and Censorship”

By: John D. Thomas


“Comments all the way”


First Impression

                  I don’t see why they need to choose on what to post and what not to post. Comments should not be filtered whether it contains bad or good intention.



                  As the day went on, this silly little piece of puff journalism became a full-blown, living, breathing case study on hate speech and offensive language online. But when these stupid racist jokes were first posted, they were filled with the “N” word. Hours later, they had been “cleaned up.”



                  I think it’s our right to comment anything we want to say for as long as we are telling the truth. The only problem that I see here is that they are afraid on what people may think regarding the comments. In the first place why would they post anything if they don’t entertain comments from outsiders but not to the extent that it includes profanity, obscenities or spiteful remarks. Filipinos are known to be good at commenting to anything they see online and they can spread it in just a glimpse. They even don’t care if it will affect them or not as long as they voice out what they want to say. There must be a reason on why they also need to review comments before publishing it because it will entirely affect them. So they only need to approve those with good comments. If they don’t want to receive any bad comments then they should have disabled the comments section. Nowadays we no longer have control on what others would say and most of the time it will become a big problem. In my own opinion comments should not be censored if they don’t disagree with it unless it should be published to put more awareness to other people. But there’s also a good side on having a bad and good comments. For example, you are purchasing an item online. People will check the comment section to see if its worth a penny and that is the only time that they will decide whether to buy it or leave it.


5 Things I’ve learned

  1. 1.     There’s a rationale why people give bad comments
  2. 2.     Many people would give bad comments so that they will get others attention
  3. 3.     No one can get away on getting bad comments
  4. 4.     Comments can destroy one’s personality
  5. 5.     We should avoid profanity, obscenities or spiteful remarks in the comments section


5 Integrated Questions

  1. 1.     What are the things that we must do to get away with bad comments?
  2. 2.     How can we filter offensive comments?
  3. 3.     Why do we need comment section?
  4. 4.     How can we avoid receiving bad comments?
  5. 5.     Why would bad comments affect one another?


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